Tag: CEO

  • The pandemic interrupted all the warm goodbyes and fond farewells. And that is regrettable. It’s regrettable that we will not be able to do an in-person send-off at this time. Plans are being made to make sure everyone can offer her a resounding farewell once we are no longer social distancing. One of the biggest […]

  • Dwight and I had been having regular transition meetings as outlined in ASWB’s Policy 7.4, CEO Succession Plan, so that we could execute a smooth, seamless, and coordinated transfer of power and responsibilities of the executive leadership of ASWB. Then, unexpectedly in mid-March, the dang Coronavirus Pandemonium arrived and upended our careful planning. It threw […]

  • Dwight Hymans, ASWB chief operating officer, shared Lincoln’s quote during his remarks following ASWB President Harold Dean’s announcement to staff that the Board of Directors had selected Hymans as incoming CEO. Hymans used the opportunity to offer thoughts about leadership and teamwork to the rest of the staff and to the Board. His pledges to […]

  • As I mentioned at the annual meeting, I had never put the name Mary Jo Monahan in the same sentence with the word retirement! I have always enjoyed and have been proud of my work life as a social worker. Each position I held was my favorite position at that time, and it has been a […]

  • IFSWR meets in conjunction with the meetings of the CLEAR International Congress and the International Federation of Social Workers, which are held in alternating years. Because the ASWB Board recognizes the clear benefits of belonging to IFSWR and the leadership that ASWB has demonstrated within the group, the Board directed me to take the lead […]

  • Providing customer service to exam candidates is a large part of what ASWB does, Monday through Friday. Our Candidate Services Center representatives handled 69,485 telephone calls in 2018. Think about that number. Despite a growing number of online registrations annually, candidates are still placing approximately 70,000 calls per year to talk to another person—not a […]