Meetings and events

Each year ASWB hosts numerous meetings, both in person and online, to conduct the association’s business, offer specialized training for our members, and provide networking opportunities for social work regulators.


Meeting attendees engaged in conversation at a round table


Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly

ASWB annual meetings are intensive business meetings during which the ASWB delegate assembly discusses the overall operation of the association. Topics range from financial records to examination administration to long-range goals.

Jan 1, 1970


Colorful illustration including board game pieces and a video game controller. Text around the border reads "Advanced Regulation: Is the Game Changing?"

ASWB Education Meeting

ASWB hosts an annual two-day training for social work regulators. In the past, topics have included continuing competence, social work practice mobility, and working with legislators.

Jan 1, 1970


Meeting and travel policies

Review the policies about meetings and travel set by the Board of Directors.

Meeting location selection

ASWB has a long tradition of holding our meetings in a variety of cities. This ensures that members from different regions have an opportunity to meet closer to home and provides other attendees the opportunity to visit their fellow member jurisdictions.