We make a life by what we give
Mary Jo touched on the change in direction that the COVID-19 pandemic made to our transition plans. It has been a very unusual time, one that has disrupted the plans already in place to thank Mary Jo for her eight years of service, creativity, and energy and to wish her the best as she moves into her “preferment.”
Message from the incoming CEO
![photograph of Dwight Hymans](https://www.aswb.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2020.2.25.dwight.hymans.headshot.2.llh-109-200x300.jpg)
The pandemic interrupted all the warm goodbyes and fond farewells. And that is regrettable. It’s regrettable that we will not be able to do an in-person send-off at this time. Plans are being made to make sure everyone can offer her a resounding farewell once we are no longer social distancing.
One of the biggest regrets I have is that Mary Jo will not have the opportunity to officially be with us as CEO in the new building. That’s unfortunate given how involved she has been in creating the building. I promised her that she could sit in the CEO’s office anytime she wanted to.
As Mary Jo’s departure from ASWB gets closer, I want to personally thank her. She has made so many significant contributions to ASWB during her eight years. Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Based on how much Mary Jo has given to ASWB, I would say she has made a good life out of her work here. I am thankful that she has allowed me to be a partner with her during those eight years and given me the gift of leading this organization with her. Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I will not forget the good feeling of being a co-leader with Mary Jo.
We wish Mary Jo the very best as she moves into her preferment. It is said that you don’t stop laughing when you age, you age when you stop laughing. If that is true, Mary Jo has a long preferment life ahead of her.
Our very best to you, Mary Jo.