Social Work Registry

The Social Work Registry provides a repository for social workers’ credential information while serving as a verification source for social work licensing boards.

The Registry lets you establish a permanent file containing primary source records important to your social work career. At your request, this information can be transmitted to any regulatory board to which you may apply for licensure.

How it works

Your record will contain copies of your detailed application materials, as well as original copies of your education transcripts, your social work examination scores, and verification of any clinical supervision you have received. In addition, when a summary of your record is prepared for a licensing board, ASWB will check your identifying information against ASWB’s Public Protection Database and provide that information to the board as well.

The Registry will verify the following categories of information:

  • Education
  • Social work examination results
  • Licensing history
  • Clinical supervision (if applicable)
  • Disciplinary actions reported to ASWB’s Public Protection Database

In addition, the Registry will store the following unverified information provided by you:

  • Continuing education courses
  • References
  • Employment history
  • Other professional credentials (ACSW, BCD, QCSW, etc.)


Registry application fees are due before we process your application. The annual maintenance/renewal fee will be due one year after your application is verified. All verification fees include one single verification report during the first year. The annual maintenance/renewal fee includes one single verification report per year.

General application US$60.00
Annual renewal fee US$30.00
Additional reports:
Multiple verifications Contact us for pricing.

A verification includes supporting documents for licensure (e.g., transcript, score report, license verification, etc.). Multiple verifications are reports submitted to more than one jurisdiction or multiple license verifications submitted to one jurisdiction.

  • Social Work Registry renewal

    Please verify that you are a Social Work Registry member before submitting payment. You may email to verify your enrollment

    NOTE: Fees are non-refundable

Apply to join the Social Work Registry

Complete this form to join the Social Work Registry.

Request a record transfer through the Social Work Registry

Complete this form to request a record transfer of Social Work Registry information.

Update your continuing education information in the Social Work Registry

Complete this form update your continuing education information in the Social Work Registry.

Update your education information in the Social Work Registry

Complete this form update your education information in the Social Work Registry.

Update your licensing information in the Social Work Registry

Complete this form update your licensing information in the Social Work Registry.

Update your supervision information in the Social Work Registry

Complete this form update your supervision information in the Social Work Registry.

ASWB online system maintenance Feb. 14–17, 2025

ASWB's online systems will be undergoing maintenance beginning at 4:30 p.m. EST Friday, February 14, 2025 and continuing until 5:00 p.m. EST Monday, February 17, 2025.

During these updates, many of our online services will be unavailable, including:
‣ Online exam registration
‣ Score transfer requests
‣ Online Practice Test
‣ Group practice questions