Regulatory Education and Leadership Committee

The Regulatory Education and Leadership Committee’s primary responsibility is to plan the annual ASWB Education Meeting.

Current members

Alverta Muhammad (OH), chair
Jared Ferguson (UT)
Ebon Freeman-James (NC)
Lynnet Keeley (ID)
Walter Orellana (RI)
Amy Rosborough (BC)

Committee charge

The Regulatory Education and Leadership Committee is charged with the following on an ongoing basis:

  1. Developing programs relating to social work regulation, leadership, issues faced by licensing boards, association developments and products, the ASWB examinations, and other relevant topics identified by the Board of Directors.
  2. Creating a variety of educational offerings and organizing meeting agendas to capture and refine the broad themes and topics selected by the Board of Directors.
  3. In consultation with the Board of Directors, identifying and coordinating potential plenary speakers, panelists, and presenters.
  4. When requested by the Board of Directors, issuing calls for abstracts on topics for possible presentation and selecting presenters.
  5. Monitoring continuing education content delivered at the annual Education Meeting for compliance with association policy and standards established by the Board of Directors.

Time commitment

The REAL Committee customarily meets in person twice a year. Committee members’ service begins with attendance at the ASWB Education Meeting just prior to the start of their work for the subsequent year. The first meeting is held for about one hour during or shortly following the education meeting. The second meeting is a one-day meeting, usually on a Friday or Saturday in the summer. Information about the date and location of the meeting is included in the committee appointment letter from the ASWB President when invited to serve on the committee. Attendees travel the day before the meeting and the day after the meeting. In-person meeting attendance is fully funded by ASWB. Because REAL Committee members are actively involved in the education meeting they plan, ASWB fully funds attendance at this meeting as well. Conference calls and virtual meetings are held to complete the work of the committee throughout the year.

Member strengths

The following skills and/or characteristics are helpful in completing the work of the Regulatory Education and Leadership Committee:

  • Regulatory experience
  • Interest and/or experience in training/teaching
  • Willingness to research training topics and invite speakers
  • Event planning experience or familiarity
  • Attendance at an ASWB Education Meeting
  • Public speaking to facilitate and/or introduce sessions at the ASWB Education Meeting



  • Joining a committee

    Most committee members are appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Directors at its first meeting of the calendar year. Anyone who serves on an ASWB member board or is staff to an ASWB member board is eligible to serve on a committee.