Annual meeting moves forward with revised schedule
Like everything else in 2020, ASWB’s Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly has adapted to the times. Instead of delegates, alternates, staff, and consultants gathering in Scottsdale, Arizona, as planned, the delegate assembly will convene online several days earlier.
Like everything else in 2020, ASWB’s Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly has adapted to the times. Instead of delegates, alternates, staff, and consultants gathering in Scottsdale, Arizona, as planned, the delegate assembly will convene online several days earlier. The draft agenda, reviewed by the Board of Directors this month, covers the week of November 16 through 20, bookended by live sessions. Just like an in-person meeting, this year’s annual meeting will be governed by the association’s bylaws. To conduct business, at least 51 percent of member boards must be in attendance and represented by a voting delegate. Without enough delegates at the online meeting to establish a quorum, the meeting — and the elections — cannot proceed.
President Harold Dean will call the delegate assembly to order at 3 p.m. EDT for a two-hour live session that will include the roll call of ASWB member delegates, approval of the meeting agenda, the report from the Finance Committee, presentation of the election slate, and nominations from the floor. That Monday session will conclude with an executive session for the examination program’s technical report. This first live session will adjourn at 5 p.m. EDT.
Virtual attendees will be able to view information about candidates, including those nominated from the floor, and listen to their recorded speeches between Wednesday and the Friday session. In lieu of the customary candidate reception, an online meeting opportunity will be offered.
The delegate assembly will reconvene on Friday, November 20, at 3 p.m. EDT. Delegates will vote on candidates for president-elect, secretary, four directors at large, and three members of the Nominating Committee during Friday’s session. Delegates will cast their votes through a secure online platform designed especially for parliamentary meetings.
As with other ASWB annual meetings, leadership will recognize the association’s volunteers, and all members of the 2021 Board of Directors will take their oath of office.
“We know that ‘Zoom fatigue’ is common these days,” says ASWB CEO Dwight Hymans. “By breaking up the meeting into smaller sessions and allowing attendees to review some of the materials on their own schedule, we hope that delegates and alternates can fully participate just as if we were all in Scottsdale together. At the same time, we will maintain the integrity of our election process and thoroughness of the reporting that our membership expects.”