Association of Social Work Boards
ASWB provides support and services to the social work regulatory community to advance safe, competent, and ethical practices to strengthen public protection.
ASWB’s vision is that all social workers are licensed in order to protect clients and client systems.
News & Events
August 15, 2024The Association of Social Work Boards publishes new research on disparities in pass rates for social work licensing exams
July 23, 2024Ubuntu in action: Understanding pass rates
July 23, 2024Blending macro and micro practice and leaning into leadership
July 23, 2024Education and supervised experience as part of licensure
ASWB develops and maintains the social work licensing examinations that are used to test a social worker’s competence to practice ethically and safely. Exams are administered throughout the year at secure test centers in the United States, Canada, and abroad.
Board training and support
ASWB offers social work regulatory boards specialized services to support their work of public protection. Training includes workshops for new board members and executive leadership.
Social work licensing protects the public by setting and enforcing standards for the practice of social work. To practice as a licensed social worker, candidates need to demonstrate that they have met the qualifications outlined by the state or province where they intend to practice.
ASWB develops resource documents, compiles regulatory research, and conducts specialized training to help licensing boards protect the public.
Get involved
ASWB’s volunteers serve on committees, in positions of elected leadership, and as subject matter experts. They also participate in the governance of the association by serving as delegates at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly.
Meetings and events
In addition to the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly and the ASWB Education Meeting, ASWB hosts meetings, workshops, and seminars throughout the year. These programs give social work regulators the opportunity to learn more about social work licensing and network with their regulatory colleagues.